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Showing posts from 2016

NDR for non-existent domain (5.4.4)

By default, NDR (5.4.4) of an email sent to a user with non-existent domain is sent to postmaster's mailbox. If you want your users to get NDR when they send email to a wrong email address (domain in this case), you need to remove 5.4.4 code from Transport Configuration. In Exchange 2010: go to Organization > Hub transport > Global settings > Transport settings remove code 5.4.4 from the list In Exchange 2013/16 Get-transportConfig to check settings Find GenerateCopyOfDSNFor and the codes (if 5.4.4 is on the list) Example: {5.4.8, 5.4.4 , 5.4.6, 5.2.4, 5.2.0, 5.1.4} Copy ALL codes (from bracket to bracket) Paste into Notepad Remove 5.4.4 from the list (remove 5.4.4, ) Set-transportConfig -GenerateCopyOfDSNFor "5.4.8, 5.4.6, 5.2.4, 5.2.0, 5.1.4" Users will get NDR immediately.

Install Docker on Microsoft Windows 2016

Microsoft Windows 2016 supports Docker engine, running containers natively on Windows. To install Docker on Windows server you need to run: Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Force Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force Restart-Computer -Force After that run: # Open firewall port 2375 netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="docker engine" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=2375 # Configure Docker daemon to listen on both pipe and TCP (replaces docker --register-service invocation above) Stop-Service docker dockerd --unregister-service dockerd -H npipe:// -H --register-service Start-Service docker Microsoft images for Docker are available here

MacOS Sierra Time Machine - Preparing backup... forever to Synology

I am using Synology NAS to backup my Mac using Time Machine. After upgrade to MacOS Sierra (10.12.1) Time Machine backup sort of backed up my Mac. By sort of I mean it was showing Preparing backup...  forever but if I entered Time Machine backup all backups even new ones were there. To resolve the issue with "Preparing backup...": Time Machine disk selection I removed backup disk in Time Machine preferences Removed all Synology Diskstation passwords from KeyChain Access (not only Time Machine ones)  Deselected Time Machine shared folder from Synology file services menu Disabled Mac file service (AFP) from Synology Control panel Dismounted all Synology mounted drives Enabled SMB 3.0 in Synology File services (Control panel) Enabled back Mac file service in Synology Selected Time Machine shared folder under Mac file services in Synology Opened Time Machine settings and Selected Time Machine disk from the list Selected Encrypt backup Entered username and pass

Your password couldn't be changed in OWA 2013

Your users might get an error while changing their password through Outlook WebApp (Exchange 2013) stating: Your password couldn't be changed. Make sure the old password you typed is correct and that the new password meets the minimmum security requirements. On the other hand password change through Windows in Site 2 is successful. Password Group Policy is OK and it is working in primary site. Setup : Two sites | Two domain controllers, each in its own site If Exchange servers are in other site than users trying to change their password, open port 464 in firewall  for Exchange servers to let Exchange communicate with domain controller in other site. Protocol and Port AD and AD DS Usage Type of traffic TCP and UDP 464 Replication, User and Computer Authentication, Trusts Kerberos change/set password

The Windows component Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra isn't installed on this computer and needs to be installed before Exchange setup

You get this error "The Windows component Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra isn't installed on this computer and needs to be installed before Exchange setup" when you try to install Exchange 2016 on Windows 2016 server. Exchange 2016 pre CU3 does not support Windows 2016, therefore you need to download Exchange 2016 CU3, which is in fact full copy of Exchange 2016 server in order to install it on Windows 2016 machine.

Installing Android Remix OS in Virtualbox

If you want to install Android Remix OS into virtual environment follow this steps: Download Remix OS for PC from Extract the zip file Open Virtualbox Name the virtual machine and choose Linux 32 or 64-bit and select at least 1024 RAM (see photo 1) Create 8 GB or more disk (photo 2) When machine is created go to Settings and choose Storage from the possible tabs Click on a CD disk icon in the left window and then again click on CD icon on the right under Attributes and select Remix OS iso image you extracted from the zip file (photo 3) Start the machine At the initial screen you need to hit TAB On the options line hit space INSTALL=1 (photo 4) Once there select Create/Modify Partitions Don't use GPT (photo 5) Create New Primary partition and make it Bootable (photo 6) Select WRITE to write changes to disk When finished select first disk Format it as ext3 Install grub (DO NOT INSTALL GRUB EFI) It will install Remix OS. Don&

Flying in the Clouds

©  Unknown I’ve been seeing the above picture lately (not mine © is unknown). Many people shared it and whenever I saw it I was surprised how naïve it looked in a way. Why? Because of uncertainty. Moving your IT away from the company’s premises is double edged sword. As from the above picture, cloud computing indeed saves you lots of ongoing costs but let’s take a dive into what your costs can look like if you live in an unstable environment. Many countries’ economies suffered from year 2007 on, suffering which started as a real estate balloon boom in USA and was followed by collapse of many European economies. Globalisation at a glance, where a boom in USA made many across the globe go down the same path. Many companies went down, disappeared, divided, sold their business etc. Let us be one of the troubled companies. Every single one of us first tries to cut down the expenses when in financial trouble. Right? We see the problems arising, sales are low, revenue is lower

Restore Time Machine backup from Synology

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to restore your Mac from a Synology NAS, you will find out pretty soon after you enter the recovery mode, that backup disk is not visible in recovery window. Steps need to be executed in order Recovery process to find NAS. Best practise is to name Time Machine shared folder on Synology without spaces. Second, if you are using a password with spaces, which I strongly suggest from security point of view, always put it between ' ' example: 'This is my password'. Enter the OS X recovery mode by holding Command +R (when Mac restarts and display is grey) When window with options is presented, select Utilities from the bar and select Terminal In Terminal use following commands: Cd /Volumes ls /la Create a folder to mount Synology to by typing mkdir synology Now mount your NAS by entering following command mount -t afp afp://admin:password@ synology Where admin is your username wit

When you try to search from Safari address bar [Google] Safari freezes

I was using Apple Safari on Mac OS X Yosemite and later on El Capitan just fine when suddenly one day I couldn't search from Safari's address bar. My search engine provider was Google but even changing the provider in Safari's preferences did not resolve the problem. The text I entered stood there and nothing happened. It looked like Safari froze. Other browsers like Firefox and Chrome were working just fine, which was telling me it is not DNS at least network wise. Then I found out Safari prefetches DNS. In terminal you just write: defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false This command disables DNS prefetching. If this solves your problem then this is where you need to troubleshoot. Something in connection with your router and DNS is not OK. Photo of stalled Safari