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Showing posts from 2010

Exchange 2010 SP1 – prerequisites information

Before installing Service Pack 1 for Exchange 2010 there are some updates that need to be downloaded and installed first. Service Pack 1 installation will inform you that hotfixes with their appropriate KBxxxxxx numbers should be installed. When you open the links in Microsoft’s web site, you will find out that multiple files exist and it is not quite clear what file to download. I suggest you look into this table provided by MS Team. Hotfix Download Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 & Windows Vista 979744 A .NET Framework 2.0-based Multi-AppDomain application stops responding when you run the application MSDN or Microsoft Connect Windows6.0-KB979744-x64.msu (CBS: Vista/Win2K8) Windows6.1-KB979744-x64.msu (CBS: Win7/Win2K8 R2) N. A. 983440 An ASP.NET 2.0...

Outlook keeps asking for credentials when connecting to Exchange 2010 server

Strange behavior occurred after installation of Update Rollup 3 for Exchange 2010, where Outlook users were constantly asked to provide credentials despite they were logged onto domain. The problem was in Internet Information Server (IIS) RPC virtual application folder on which suddenly Windows authentication method was disabled. After we enabled Windows authentication, it worked for 5 minutes and then authentication was automatically disabled again. Second restart of HUB/CAS and MAILBOX server solved the problem.

Backup/Restore of Exchange 2010 using Windows Backup

All of us, who grew up using ntbackup for backing up Exchange databases by using disk-to-disk-to-tape method, were unsatisfied when we discovered that in Windows 2008 it was not possible anymore to use ntbackup as the tool of choice. Exchange 2007 backup was therefore complicated or impossible to execute with native tools. With Exchange 2010 and Windows 2008 R2 it is possible to backup/recover Exchange databases by using Windows Backup tool. It uses VSS engine but supports truncating the Exchange logs when proper backup method is used. When creating Backup Schedule it is necessary to select Custom and not Full server backup. The reason lies in VSS backup method. We need to select VSS Full backup later on. When we click Advanced settings, VSS full backup must be selected in order logs to be properly truncated.   Related article: