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Showing posts from October, 2012

Enable or Disable Exchange features (OWA, ActiveSync, MAPI, POP3, IMAP) for specified mailbox in the case you need to "pause" it

In certain cases you need to pause access to the user's mailbox without disabling user's account or Exchange mailbox. Therefore mailbox features should be disabled. I created a simple script that disables or enables all mailbox features on specified mailbox. You can download the script here Pause_Mailbox_Features_For_Mailbox.ps1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Enter mailbox name you want to "pause". Use Get-Mailbox command to get correct name #  # Be careful when using this script since it disables or enables Exchange features # for a specified user mailbox. # # If this is not your intention, don't use it. # This script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. # # Check for more useful information # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # BEGIN script $User = read-host "Please enter...

Exchange 2010 and mass mailing - slow

You transitioned to Exchange 2010/2013 server and your organization is sending mass mailings, suddenly mails are leaving slower than before. Check Throttling Policies on your Transport server if levels are too low for your organization. More on

Exchange Autodiscover when in different domain (Test E-mail AutoConfiguration is showing you httpStatus=401 and httpStatus=500 errors)

If your computer resides in a different domain than Exchange server that hosts your mailbox, and your e-mail address domain is the same as the domain your computer resides in, and Autodiscover is correctly created and configured (Google for related articles), during profile creation don't enter your password in the password field. The problem is in Outlook which is not asking you for your correct credentials but is instead sending your @email.domain with the password you provided. The same is true for test e-mail AutoConfiguration (Holding CTRL+Right Mouse button over Outlook icon in taskbar). If you leave password field blank, Outlook will ask you to enter correct credentials.

One of many OAB download problems :)

There are many great articles about what could go wrong when accessing Offline Address Book but I would like to expose one related to the ISA 2006 server. Disable Link translation on ISA 2006 Outlook Anywhere rule if you tried anything else before and you are, of course, using ISA 2006. You get " Failed Connection Attempt ISALog type: Web Proxy (Reverse) Status: 1359 An internal error occurred. " error on ISA box. Otherwise, for OAB related problems: - check if Authenticated users group has read permissions on OAB folder on Exchange CAS server - check IIS permissions - check if Autodiscover is functioning - be aware of multi-tenant autodiscover if you are using multiple domains - for other OAB related problems find Dave Goldman's related articles or Dgoldman's WebLo...